Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel convinces Dave Matthews to stop giving away his art for free?
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel convinces Dave Matthews to stop giving away his art for free?
September 14th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel

Earlier this week TMZ posted a story about Dave Matthews giving a fan a drawing along with his autograph. Well yesterday the singer was on Jimmy Kimmel Live and the ABC late night host asked him about that. Kimmel then told Matthews that the person he drew that picture for sold it on eBay for $500. Kimmel then went on to show him that other people did the same thing, and that DMB’s lead man should stop giving it away for free. So Matthews thought he was right and said he was convinced not to do it again. Instead he will sell his pictures for charity.
I hope he changes his mind because if I ever got an autograph like that from him (or anyone), I would hang it up on my wall and not sell it on eBay for all the money in the world. I love collecting autographs and maybe one day I will get one from either Dave Matthews or even Jimmy Kimmel to add to my collection.


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