Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel can’t find the door!
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel can’t find the door!
February 7th, 2010 under Jimmy Kimmel

You have to appreciate a talk show host who is willing to make fun of himself when he does something stupid and that is exactly what Jimmy Kimmel did on his show. Jimmy was filmed by TMZ as he was going out to dinner, the only problem was he couldn’t find the door to get in. Someone actually had to open the door for him so he could join his friends for some grub. Now most talk show host would not have aired the video of them looking like the dumb a$$ of the day, but not Jimmy he not only aired it but he also compared himself to former-President Bush.
Now back to Jimmy and the door, it was pretty obvious where the door was to me.


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[ # 383372 ] Comment from hlhannigan [February 7, 2010, 8:16 pm]

well he did just have a spotlight right in his eyes so he was preobably seeing black spots at the same time trying to find the door.

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