Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman are no longer f*cking…again
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel and Sarah Silverman are no longer f*cking…again
March 7th, 2009 under Jimmy Kimmel

(photo from WireImage)
The unfunny Sarah Silverman broke up with the very funny Jimmy Kimmel according to Us Weekly.

“Sarah initiated the split this time,” the source tells Us. "He's bummed."

This breakup happened within the last two weeks.

"He's really blue — very down," another source tells Us. "Seems like it's over for good this time. He's sad because he just bought a new place and now has nobody to share it with."

The two broke up in July, but got back together a few months later. I read somewhere else that this time the breakup is good. 


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