Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Fallon’s injured hand leads to him cancelling tonight’s show
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[ # ] Jimmy Fallon’s injured hand leads to him cancelling tonight’s show
June 26th, 2015 under Jimmy Fallon

Jimmy Fallon had to cancel tonight’s taping of The Tonight Show because he injured his hand. The show’s Twitter account says that he will be OK, but TMZ made it sound so much worse. They reported that he spent the night on the town and the morning in the ICU.
Hopefully he will be better soon and back to work on Monday with a funny story how it happened.

UPDATE: According to a source, the hand injury required minor surgery.

UPDATE 2: Jimmy Fallon Tweeted an update with his good hand and said, “Tripped and caught my fall (good thing)! Ring caught on side of table almost ripped my finger off (bad thing). #drugged #blessed” Then he added that he is doing well and thanked everyone for the good wishes.


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