Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jerry Springer loses his DWTS dance partner…:(
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[ # ] Jerry Springer loses his DWTS dance partner…:(
September 18th, 2006 under Dancing with the Stars, Jerry Springer

As "Dancing with the Stars" enters its second week of competition, the highly rated reality show faces controversy surrounding one of it’s top contenders — and one of the more popular contestants faces a big dilemma! JERRY SPRINGER may have scored well last week, but the tangoing talk-show host has a big problem: no partner! Jerry’s dance partner, KYM JOHNSON, has a knee injury, so she’s currently out of action! Now he’ll have to be partnered with a new dancing pro. In the meantime, Jerry is training with the wife of dancer NICK KOSOVICH.

Entertainment Tonight 

I am so bummed because I am rooting for Jerry. I am hoping he does ok without her. Jerry! Jerry! Jerry! 


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