Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jeremy Luke on the hard work he had to do to transform for Syfy’s Jersey Shore Shark Attack
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[ # ] Jeremy Luke on the hard work he had to do to transform for Syfy’s Jersey Shore Shark Attack
June 8th, 2012 under Syfy

Tomorrow night at 9p on Syfy Jersey Shore Shark Attack makes its triumph debut and you are not going to want to miss this instant classic. From the title of the movie (and the trailer) you can guess what this movie is about. It’s about Sharks attacking Jersey Shore. But not just the shore, attacking people that are very much like the Guitos we have gotten know on a show that airs on MTV.
Well if you are going to be in a movie like that, then you have to prepare for the role and Jeremy Luke, who plays “The Complication” told us what they had to get ready for the film. Let’s just say it was a lot of G and T and the L was replaced with S for studying for the script.
Earlier this week I was on a conference call with Luke and he told about the G(ym), “I went through a regimen also preparing for the role. I mean Joey (Russo, plays Donnie) was my roommate at the time and we both, like I was out of shape when I got cast and these guys said like get to the gym. (Writers and Director) Jeff and Barry and (John) said get to the gym and like right away I just got on it. So having come during the day I was like run, work out, at night I would sit down with the script and that’s how I would do it.” In fact later on in the call, he revealed that even after they started filming he would work out before calling it a night.
But that was part of the transformation, you can’t be a Jersey Shore without the tan. So here is what he told us about the T, “I have to give props to the makeup girls and the hair because that was a very tough job. We did, the six main characters there’s three girls and three guys, had to go tanning two, three times a week and I’ve never been spray tanning before in my life. And it feels like when you’re in salt water and you put your clothes back on you’ve got that icky feeling? That’s the kind of feeling you have for about 12 hours and we did that about three times a week. So like it was rough.” Now even though he says that was rough, he then went on to say it was a lot of fun.
So being a member of the Jersey Shore is not as easy at looks, but Jersey Shore Shark Attack is as campy and fun as it looks!


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