Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jeannie Moos retires from CNN
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[ # ] Jeannie Moos retires from CNN
June 30th, 2024 under TV News

When I worked at CNN, I spoke with several journalistic legends. However, there was only one reporter who would make me fangirl when she called. That brilliant journalist is Jeannie Moos.

I never met or worked with anyone who has her wit. She is one of a kind, and I was lucky to have worked with her.

As were the people who worked with her before, during, and after me. But sadly, her reign has come to an end.

Moos announced at the end of the week that her time with CNN has come to an after 43 years.

I’m leaving the company tomorrow…calling it a day. Actually I’m calling it around 16,000 days since I’ve been at CNN for over 43 years.

I’m the shy, retiring type so I’m retiring shyly, avoiding all fanfare and lingering goodbyes. Just want to thank everyone who helped me do what I love. Special thanks to the cameramen and women whose backs I strained shooting excessive b-roll, to the editors who put up with my micromanagement during endless edits, to the makeup artists who made me look better than I actually do and especially to the producers who I’ve worked with since I first came to CNN in 1981 when it was 6 months old. Imagine being a producer and doing nothing but Moos stories for YEARS. Those people are saints.

I don’t expect to go back to packaging full-time, though might entertain quirky projects if I get bored and someone has something fun to pitch. But, for God’s sake, please…NO MORE STORY IDEAS! Any more story ideas and I’ll want to retire FROM LIFE.


CNN lost a legend, and she will never be replaced. There will never be another Jeannie Moos. And I don’t know if that is a good thing or not.

So, Miss Moos. I want to thank you for making the news special.


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