Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jayma Mays story will make you never want to clean your ears again!
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[ # ] Jayma Mays story will make you never want to clean your ears again!
July 25th, 2013 under Jay Leno, Smurfs

Jayma Mays was a guest on The Tonight Show yesterday and she told Jay Leno how she almost didn’t make it to the NBC show for her appearance. The Glee star explained that she had a really bad ear infection for the last week. It got so bad, she started to have blood come out of her ear and she thought her eardrum burst. So she went to the doctor, who told her he wasn’t sure if she had done that because there was so much blood. He sent the nurse in to drain her ear with some drops. As the RN did that she started to back away and ran to get the doctor. When he came in, the Smurfs actress thought maybe her brain was coming out and got very nervous. Turns out a bug had been living in her ear and when the nurse drained it, the drops drowned the bug releasing it from its new home.
So why did the bug decide to make her ear their home? It’s because her ears are so clean that lack of wax buildup gave the bug enough room to make her head its house. So the next time you grab your Q-Tip just remember this story.
Could you imagine how her Glee character, Emma Pillsbury, would react to this? Even worse than Ashton Kutcher did. He was more grossed out by it than she was.


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