Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jason Derulo disguises himself as an old man
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[ # ] Jason Derulo disguises himself as an old man
June 12th, 2023 under Jason Derulo


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A post shared by Jason Derulo (@jasonderulo)

Jason Derulo has a new song out, and he wanted to know what people think of Glad U Came.

Since he can’t walk on Hollywood Boulevard and not be recognized. He decided to disguise himself as an old man and ask strangers if they like it.

However, are they going to talk to a grey-haired man with a beard wearing sweats? Most of them don’t have the time of day for him. But a few did, including Pennywise.

And once they start talking to the elderly, dancing gentleman, are they going to realize who stopped them on the street? Imagine their surprise.

And talking about imagining. Am I the only one who wants him to do a father/son movie where they go around in disguises hiding from the law?


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