Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jason Bateman apologizes for how he handled Jessica Walter’s revelation
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[ # ] Jason Bateman apologizes for how he handled Jessica Walter’s revelation
May 24th, 2018 under Jason Bateman
The New York Times did an explosive interview and it had nothing to do with Donald Trump. Instead, it was with the cast of Arrested Development. The reporter asked Jeffrey Tambor if the report is true that he yelled at directors and assistant directors on the set of Transparent and the male cast jumped to his defense.

Then Jessica Walter choked up as she revealed that she has never been yelled at by anyone in her nearly 60-year career as she has been yelled at by her TV husband. Instead of the cast rallying around her, they seemed to support the man that caused her such anguish.

People were upset with how Jason Bateman handled the situation because he is such a beloved actor; so today he apologized on Twitter. He tweeted, “Based on listening to the NYT interview and hearing people’s thoughts online, I realize that I was wrong here. I sound like I’m condoning yelling at work. I do not. It sounds like I’m excusing Jeffery. I do not. It sounds like I’m insensitive to Jessica. I am not.

“In fact, I’m horrified that I wasn’t more aware of how this incident affected her. I was so eager to let Jeffrey know that he was supported in his attempt to learn, grow and apologize that I completely underestimated the feelings of the victim, another person I deeply love – and she was sitting right there!

“I’m incredibly embarrassed and deeply sorry to have done that to Jessica. This is a big learning moment for me. I shouldn’t have tried so hard to mansplain, or fix a fight, or make everything okay. I should’ve focused more on what the most important part of it all is – there’s never any excuse for abuse, in any form, from any gender. And, the victim’s voice needs to be heard and respected. Period. I didn’t say that and instead said a bunch of other stuff and not very well. I deeply, and sincerely, apologize.”

Apology accepted and I should not have jumped on him the way I did. Sometimes, when we are not prepared for a revelation like the one that Jessica Walter gave, we might act like Bateman did. Now, that he has had time to assess the situation, it is time for him to make a difference and support his costar.


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