Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jamie and Lynn Spears go to court
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[ # ] Jamie and Lynn Spears go to court
February 1st, 2008 under Britney Spears

Jamie and Lynn Spears are going to court today to get legal control over their daughter according to ETonline. They are reportedly trying to get conservatorship over her so they can make medical and financial decisions for her, something she desperately needs.
Good luck to The Spears' who will go in front of the Judge shortly!
UPDATE: A Judge has put Britney Spears' estate under temporary conservatorship.
Jamie Spears got conservatorship of Britney Spears until Monday when there will be another hearing. He has the right to change the locks of her house, remove anyone from her estate and hire security. Jamie and Lynn also filed a restraining order against Sam Lutfi who will not be able to see Britney Spears. I am sure Sam is going to have a lot to say about that.

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