Seriously? OMG! WTF? » James Woods dumps his 20 year old girlfriend
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[ # ] James Woods dumps his 20 year old girlfriend
August 15th, 2006 under CBS

Memo to Hollywood powerbrokers: The trouble with having 20-year-old girlfriends is, like, they’re 20.Youthful Ashley Madison made the gossip pages in June when she parlayed her relationship with James Woods, 59, into a role on "Entourage."But the romance spectacularly soured when Madison showed up at Woods’ brother Michael’s July 31 funeral "in a 3-inch miniskirt and chain-smoking.""At the funeral she was concerned about the amount of magazines she was in," says Woods’ pal Scott Sandler. "Jimmy was on his knees with tears staining his shirt, and she was showing pictures of herself."The actor has known Madison, the pal of a golfing buddy, since she was 5. "She’s the anti-Christ," says Sandler. "She truly has the soul of a moth and the brain of a dead trout."Woods stars this fall in the new CBS legal drama "Shark," directed by Spike Lee. But he decided to end his May-December fling after stress sent him to the ER."Jimmy was so overcome by grief his blood pressure went through the roof early last week, and he had to go to the hospital," said Sandler. "When he came out, it was like he had seen the light."


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. BTW James Woods is known for having one of Hollywood’s biggest you know what, so probaly another reason why she dated him.


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