Seriously? OMG! WTF? » James Corden apologizes to Balthazar’s staff on The Late Late Show
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[ # ] James Corden apologizes to Balthazar’s staff on The Late Late Show
October 25th, 2022 under James Corden

Last week, the restaurant owner of Balthazar called out James Corden’s rude behavior towards his wait staff. Later that day, the host called and apologized to the owner, and all was good again. Until Corden did an interview saying he did nothing wrong.

Well, after a week-long vacation, Corden was back behind the desk at The Late Late Show, so he addressed the situation per his father’s urging.

Corden says he loves the restaurant and went there for breakfast with his wife and two friends. They ordered a meal, and his wife told them she had a food allergy and not to serve her that item. When the dish arrived, the allergen was on it. Therefore, they sent it back. Not once, not twice, but three times. That is when Corden got upset and made a rude comment.

“I understand the difficulties of being a server. I worked shifts at restaurants for years. I have such respect and I value anyone that does such a job. And the team at that restaurant are so great – that’s why I love it there,” Corden said, “But here’s the truth of it. Because I didn’t shout, or scream – I didn’t get up out of my seat, I didn’t call anyone names or use derogatory language – I’ve been walking around thinking I hadn’t done anything wrong… right? But the truth is I have. I made a rude comment, and it was wrong. It was an unnecessary comment. It was ungracious to the server.”

Look, I would be upset too if I ordered something a certain way and they screwed up the order multiple times. I would’ve walked out and gone somewhere else. And yeah, I might’ve been rude.

So, I can understand where Corden is coming from. We all could.

However, I did not feel any sincerity coming from him. I think he only made that on-air apology because he is trying to save his reputation and not go down the same rabbit hole that Ellen DeGeneres went down.

We have seen him be more emotional talking about horrifying news events. So he could’ve put on his actor’s hat and faked it for the camera. But he didn’t. And I think that says more about him than anything else.

I think it states that he is not sorry and would do it again. And you know what, so would we. If he would’ve said, they screwed up my wife’s order multiple times, and I was pissed, so I told them off. I think we would’ve sided with him. But he didn’t. So we don’t.


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