For the last several years Toys’r’Us has been selling a boy toy called the
You & Me Mommy Change My Diaper Doll, and no one complained that he is anatomically correct. That is, until now, because parents are in uproar that this little plastic doll has a penis and testicles. Because what better way to teach a kid that the opposite sex’s body is bad, but to start them with that mentally when they are just a baby. They don’t know what sexual organs are at that age, so let them feel like it is natural. It’s not like they are not going to see it anyways by the time they start school. At least this way they are prepared. Who’s with me?
In fact, I am going to buy one for my adopted niece, who is the only girl in her nursery school room. Let the infant know what she is up against. Not only will I buy her the doll for $24.99, I will also pick her up some clothes from the Kardashian Kids Kollection to go with it. It seems like the appropriate attire to play with him for some reason.