Seriously? OMG! WTF? » It is raining money in Wales
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[ # ] It is raining money in Wales
June 21st, 2006 under Odd


A town-centre scrum erupted when a mystery man hurled what is thought to be thousands of pounds in the air.

Passers-by dashed across the street to fill their pockets after he shouted: ‘Who wants free money?’

People were seen scurrying to pick up the bank notes – some on their hands and knees – at the pedestrian crossing in Alexandra Road, Aberystwyth, mid Wales.

Stunned shopkeeper John Morris, 55, caught the chaos on the CCTV camera outside his fishing-tackle shop about 11am.

He said: "I was standing in the door and suddenly I saw all these notes.

"I thought it was a joke – I couldn’t believe it. "The money landed on the floor and people were looking at it.

"Then they were bundling it in their pockets. I have never seen anything like it before."

The man, who was wearing a red Welsh rugby jersey, disappeared as people dived in to grab the cash.

"No-one seems to know where he came from," Mr Morris added.

Some quick-fingered people he spoke to made off with hundreds of pounds.

He said: "I’ve met a few of them today – that’s how I knew about it being genuine, because one said he banked the money.

"Lots of people kept it and ran off. I was just standing in the door and watched what was happening."

BBC Online said: "Dyfed-Powys Police confirmed a man from Aberystwyth had thrown a sum of money in the air on Alexandra Road before driving away."

A police spokeswoman said officers were investigating a motoring offence in connection with the incident.

Daily Mail 


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