Seriously? OMG! WTF? » It doesn’t take a Mentalist to know CBS is The Crazy Ones for cancelling this show
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[ # ] It doesn’t take a Mentalist to know CBS is The Crazy Ones for cancelling this show
May 10th, 2014 under CBS

CBS announced the fate of all of their bubble shows today and only one of them got picked up. The Mentalist will be back next season, but Hostages, Intelligence, Friends with Better Lives, Bad Teacher and the lovable and brilliant The Crazy Ones won’t be. Even though the latter was one of the top 10 most watched comedies on broadcast TV this season, CBS didn’t see what I and so many others saw in it. Which is a shame because it was so nice to have Robin Williams and Sarah Michelle Gellar back on TV in a show that suited both of them perfectly.


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