Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Isabella Strahan is cancer-free!
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[ # ] Isabella Strahan is cancer-free!
July 19th, 2024 under Michael Strahan

Earlier this year, Michael Strahan’s daughter, Isabella, 19, announced that she was diagnosed with medulloblastoma, a type of brain tumor. Since then, she has shared her journey to beat it with Good Morning America’s viewers.

Yesterday, she made a big announcement after getting the results of her MRI. “It was a great, great scan,” she said. “Everything was clear. Cancer-free, and everything is great. I don’t have another doctor’s appointment until October.”

Isabella is already planning to go back to college in the Fall!

This is such great news! I love that we have come so far with cancer treatments, and she benefitted from those advancements.


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