Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is this why Victoria Rowell quit The Young & The Restless?
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[ # ] Is this why Victoria Rowell quit The Young & The Restless?
February 19th, 2007 under TV Soaps

Did Victoria Rowell quit The Young and the Restless because she didn't feel the love? The fireball actress has released a statement saying she'll exit her role as Dru on April 1. Set sources say she's po'd that she didn't get enough votes from her cast mates to land a spot on the Emmy nomination ballot. And the diva's press agent isn't denying those rumors. Word is, CBS was blindsided by Rowell's announcement, but frankly it's not that hard to write her out.

TV Guide

What a stupid reason to quit? Sounds like the cast did the right thing not voting for her diva a$$.
Doesn't sound like it is much of a loss because SoapCentral did a poll to see if the viewers will miss her and 2/3 said no. Ouch!


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