Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is this an egg-elent idea?
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[ # ] Is this an egg-elent idea?
July 16th, 2006 under CBS

CBS kicked off the first of the major network presentations today at the TCA press tour with an executive session and Q & A featuring network president Nina Tassler. More on that later, but for now I just have to relay one of the more bizarre announcements to come out of press tour so far. Today, CBS revealed a marketing strategy so odd that I had to check to date to make sure it wasn’t April 1st. Billboards, magazines, television, the internet, apparently these are all passé modes of advertising. The latest and hottest medium through which to convey a brand message is apparently… wait for it… eggs. Yes, farm-fresh, chicken-laid, white-on-the-outside-yellow-on-the-inside eggs from your neighborhood supermarket. I’m still wondering if this is all perhaps some kind of wacky hoax.

According to the press release: “Beginning this September, CBS will be the inaugural major corporation to advertise on over 35 million eggs marked by EggFusion, a company which specializes in delivering freshness and traceability coding to consumers by placing laser coded expiration dates on eggs sold by grocers.” I wish I were joking. The eggs will be stamped with logos from different CBS shows, along with a slogan and, helpfully, an expiration date (I’m assuming for the egg, not for the show).

Some of the slogans that will appear on the eggs:
CBS Mondays: Leave the Yolks to Us
CSI: Crack the Case on CBS
The Amazing Race: Scramble to Win on CBS
How I Met Your Mother: Find Your Chick on CBS

And for the new shows:
The Class: New Grade-A CBS Comedy
Smith: Professional Poachers
Shark: Hard-Boiled Drama
Jericho: Unbeatable Television

You get the idea. I’m still waiting for the punchline.

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Seriously? OMG! WTF? But I can tell you CBS is right traditional advertising is a dying trend, but not sure advertising on an egg is the way to go? But I have to admit the slogans are brilliant! 



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