Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is there anything Dolly Parton won’t sell?
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[ # ] Is there anything Dolly Parton won’t sell?
June 6th, 2024 under Dolly Parton

In recent years, Dolly Parton has sold dog clothes, perfume, books, cake mixes, and so much more. Today, she announced that she has put her name on a new product.

“I’m very excited to officially launch @dollywines today,” she wrote. “Crafted with love, these wines are the perfect addition to spending time with family and friends. So let’s raise a glass together!”

If that is not enough, she is going to the Great White Way in 2026. She wrote, “I’ve been writing my life story as a Broadway musical for several years, and I’m proud to announce we are finally developing ‘Hello, I’m Dolly—An Original Musical’ for the Broadway stage.”

What is next for her? Who knows? But I know we will find out soon enough. So, as we wait, let’s drink a glass of Dolly’s Wines!


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