Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is the type of rehab facility ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner is in?
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[ # ] Is the type of rehab facility ex-Congressman Anthony Weiner is in?
June 16th, 2011 under Jimmy Kimmel

When I heard that Anthony Weiner was going to rehab, I thought to myself what type of treatment facility is there for Twitter? (Because I might need to go there) Well what I didn’t think of is that it wasn’t Twitter that he was seeking help for, but for being horny. Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live they showed an infomercial for a place called Home for the Horny and I think we might know where the Congressman, who resigned today, is spending his free time at. You know, now that he has so much of it on his hands. Oh wait having something on his hands is what got him in all this trouble…


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