Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Mary Poppins Returns like a spoonful of sugar?
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[ # ] Is Mary Poppins Returns like a spoonful of sugar?
September 17th, 2018 under Movies

The first full trailer is out for Mary Poppins Returns and I am just not feeling it. It does not seem as magical as the first one.

When my niece was a toddler, she made me watch it over and over again because it was her favorite movie. Her sister loves it so much that next month my friends are throwing her a Mary Poppins themed birthday party. Not only that, both girls are going as Mary Poppins for Halloween and I am going as old Dick Van Dyke aka the Banker. Therefore, you can tell that the classic film is a big part of my current life.

Their whole family is excited about the sequel, but not me. I just feel leave good enough alone. Then after watching this trailer, I am feeling it even less. Is it just me or will you be seeing with my nieces on December 19th?


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