Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Lorne Michaels retiring after this season?
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[ # ] Is Lorne Michaels retiring after this season?
September 19th, 2024 under Saturday Night Live

NBC Photo: Frank Ockenfels

For the last few years, we have been hearing rumors that Lorne Michaels is retiring from Saturday Night Live after the show’s 50th season.

Well, on October 5th, the late night Variety series begins its 50th season. So, The Hollywood Reporter wanted to know if this is the creator’s last season.

“I think the times, and also there are not many network shows left, and this one has taken on [an importance]. It’s more about keeping it on course than anything else, and, obviously, I really love it,” he told the trade magazine. “And every year there are more and more people that I rely on for other things, but, in the end, you really need someone to say, ‘This is what we’re doing.’ So, I don’t really have an answer; I just know that this is kind of what I do and as long as I can keep doing it, I’ll keep doing it. There’s no immediate plan.”

I have a feeling he will be running SNL until he dies, producing an episode while it is live on the air.

I wonder how Tina Fey feels about this news. The rumor is that she was going to take over for him. Iuess those plans are on hold.


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