Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Katie Holmes pregnant with number 2???
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[ # ] Is Katie Holmes pregnant with number 2???
June 16th, 2006 under Tom Cruise/Katie Holmes/Suri

If you believe what you read, Hollywood’s Tomkat couple Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes love parenting so much, they’re already trying to get pregnant again – if they’re not already! Insiders claim that Cruise, 43, and his 27-year-old fiancee had Suri on 18 April (06), just two months ago, but Katie is already trying to have another baby. The sources revealed that she might already be pregnant! The Enquirer scoops: ‘"Tom and Katie are so thrilled with Suri that they want to have a second baby right away," said a source close to the couple. "And they’re hoping to announce the news as early as their planned July 4th weekend wedding.’


Seriously I doubt it, we have not seen her with any lip rashes.


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