Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is Brad Pitt worried about Angelina Jolie’s weight?
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[ # ] Is Brad Pitt worried about Angelina Jolie’s weight?
July 11th, 2007 under Angelina Jolie, Brangelina

Recently Brad Pitt took Angelina Jolie home to his family and while there she barely ate and that is making Brad nervous according to Life & Style Weekly

Angie’s frail appearance stunned the Pitts. And when everyone sat down for dinner, says a family insider, Angelina ate only a handful of grapes and a small slice of watermelon — and skipped breakfast the next morning!

In recent days, Brad has grown increasingly concerned about Angie’s eating habits and shrinking frame — and what they’re doing to the star’s health. A second family insider says the 5-foot-8 actress is down to just 95 pounds and suffers from headaches and dizzy spells. “She’s wasting away, and Brad doesn’t know what to do,” says the second insider. “He’s worried sick about her, but she refuses to eat.”

She only weighs 95 pounds at 5'8" that is way scary. If she wants to continue doing all that good work she needs to eat. 

(photo via INF


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