Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Is 3D the new black in horror?
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[ # ] Is 3D the new black in horror?
December 23rd, 2008 under Movies

Is Horror’s new thing 3D and no longer the genre Eli Roth popularized? Well The NY Times seems to think so with the upcoming releases of My Bloody Valentine 3D, Final Destination 4 in 3D and Piranha 3D to name a few.

If “My Bloody Valentine 3D” is a success — and with a modest budget of about $20 million, success is easily within reach — the next big thing in horror could be at hand, said Joe Drake, the co-chief operating officer of Lionsgate and the president of the studio’s motion picture group. “We see 3-D horror as financially lucrative and creatively exciting,” he said. “We want to break some new ground here in R-rated fare.”

Horror tried 3D in the ’80s with Friday the 13th, Jaws, Nightmare on Elm Street and Amityville Horror and all did crappy, so I don’t think that will be the answer. I think people want their blood in blood red and not 3D red. I know I have personally never been a fan of 3D because I like my movies in color and was never wowed by the effects of knife or eyes coming at me. In fact I never heard someone say, OMG having that horror movie in 3D was the best thing. Plus with HD, 3D kind of seems archaic. I think horror movie fans would rather see another Hostel like movie than a 3D horror movie.
Now I am not saying that I want My Bloody Valentine to do bad in the Box Office because I am a huge fan of horror, but I think the 2D numbers will be much higher per screen than it will in 3D. Seriously who here is leaping out of their seat to see a 3D horror movie? I can’t see with or without my 3D glasses.


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