Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Introducing Mr & Mrs Keith Urban
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[ # ] Introducing Mr & Mrs Keith Urban
June 25th, 2006 under Keith & Nicole Urban

"Nicole cried all the way to the church in the car and then she cried all during the ceremony and had to wipe her eyes under the veil," a guest tells PEOPLE. "It was the most emotional and beautiful ceremony. Nicole Kidman looked ethereal with her veil floating, like a vision in white. … Keith cried when he looked at her.

"It was so intense," the guest says. "When her veil was lifted, he moved right in and he grabbed her and kissed her. It was a long, passionate kiss. (Then) everything went from being quiet and elegant and intense to really loud, like we were suddenly at a soccer game. There was screaming and hollering and such excitement.

"But when Nicole and Keith looked at each other it was like they were the only two people in the room. They are so deeply in love. It was the most incredible wedding."

To see Cath Musgat’s (the photographer) website click here



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