Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I’m back!
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[ # ] I’m back!
July 26th, 2007 under SOW Greetings

Hi! How are you guys doing! It looks like I am back for the time being! Thanks to Patti I have learned that there are a lot of problems with my Dell Inspiron 5150, so I am going to ask Dell for a system exchange. Hopefully the motherboard will last long enough for me to get the new system!

I am so glad to be back! Blogging will resume tomorrow morning.

It is not like I missed anything when I was gone like Lindsay Lohan getting arrested or Britney Spears having a meltdown at a photoshoot or Paris Hilton still on a straight and narrow or Nicole Richie still not confirming her pregnancy…at least there have not been any good nip or vag slips since I was on forced hiatus!

Anyways I missed y'all and thank you so much for the kind words and support! 


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