Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Identical twins marrying identical twins this weekend!
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[ # ] Identical twins marrying identical twins this weekend!
August 2nd, 2018 under Odd

Kassie Bevier met Nick Lewan in a class at Grand Valley State University and realized they are both are identical twins. On their first date out, they told the Today show today that brought their twins along. While Zack had a thing for Krissie, she did not have a thing for him. Eventually, she gave up running away from him and ran towards him. Now four years later they are both getting married this weekend a day apart.

Even though Kassie and Nick met each other first, they are getting married on Saturday. While their twins are getting married the day beforehand according to The Jackson Citizen Patriot. That is one of the very few things that they will have on their own. Both couples got engaged together at the Henry Ford Museum as their parents looked on. Then after they say I do, they will be living together in the same 2-bedroom apartment as three out of the four of them finish their advanced schooling. Good thing they are all twins because not many newlyweds would want to live with another newlywed couple.

The one question, I have not seen anyone ask them. Is did any of the twins pretended to be the other one a date? They went on a lot of double dates together, so it seems like it would be easy,

Let’s hope their married life is easy and not full of double trouble. BTW does this mean they will have quadruplets since twins skip a generation? While that might not happen, they might all become parents on the same day. Picture that headline, Identical twins who married identical twins have a baby on the same day.


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