Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I want to see CLICK just for this!
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[ # ] I want to see CLICK just for this!
June 19th, 2006 under Adam Sandler, Henry Winkler

HENRY WINKLER experienced a flash-back while filming his latest movie CLICK, as he was made-up to resemble his iconic character FONZIE. The 60-year-old star had to age from 24 to 86 during the movie and make-up artists made him up to resemble his character ARTHUR FONZERELLI from the hit 1970s show HAPPY DAYS for his younger scenes. He explains, "They used the picture that was the first picture that ABC took for publicity in Malibu and I brought that to the makeup artist. "For the 24-year-old they used seven pieces of surgical tape and pulled my face to the north. "And then for the 86-year-old, I had 12 pieces of rubber that for five and half hours they pasted on my face."



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