Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I want Ashton Kutcher to be my baby daddy when I’m pregnant!
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[ # ] I want Ashton Kutcher to be my baby daddy when I’m pregnant!
May 9th, 2014 under Ellen DeGeneres, That '70s Show

Mila Kunis broke her silence about her pregnancy on today’s The Ellen DeGeneres Show and Ashton Kutcher is the best daddy to be ever. Ellen asked the mommy to be if she is having any cravings and she told her that she eats sauerkraut all day long. So then the daytime host wanted to know if Kelso does any runs in the middle of the night to satisfy her hunger. Luckily for her, he only has to run to their second fridge in the backyard because he stocked up for whatever temps hers. Just last week Jackie said she wanted a pickle and he returned within minutes with the best one she’s ever had.
Not only is he feeding her love, he is also learning her native language of Russian, so that he can speak it to their child after it is born.
Mila is a very lucky woman, and if she ever gives him up there will be a line outside his door to be the next woman in his life. And yes I will be on it.


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