Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I so hope that Larry King farted when this picture was taken!
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[ # ] I so hope that Larry King farted when this picture was taken!
June 22nd, 2010 under TV News

Chelsea Handler Tweeted this picture of her recently single BFF Jenny McCarthy doing something I would never in a million years think of doing to the possibly also newly single Larry King, she opened her mouth wide near his a$$. The reason why would I say I would never ever dare do that is because the CNN talk show host is rumored to have a huge flatulence problem. So I am really hoping that Larry had a huge bowl of a chili for lunch before the telethon and just as he she went to lick his head he laid a big smelly fart and she is tasting it for days to come. Just like when a skunk is hit by a car, that is what I imagine Mr Suspenders farts are like.
BTW I wonder if she is trying to be his 9th wife in this picture?
Finally I love how no one is looking her way when she made that obscene gesture. I say obscene because look who she is doing it to.


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