Seriously? OMG! WTF? » I feel bad for Snooki because what South Park did to her was so wrong!
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[ # ] I feel bad for Snooki because what South Park did to her was so wrong!
October 14th, 2010 under Comedy Central, Snooki, South Park

Yesterday South Park took on Jersey Shore and Snooki and what they did to her (or should I say what she did to Cartman) was so wrong, but also so funny. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I actually felt bad for her because took it to a place that even though it was animated I totally didn’t need to see that. It seriously gave me nightmares and I am not the only one because here is what The Jersey Shore mini-star Tweeted about it, “snooki want smoosh smoosh. im going to have nightmares tonight lmao!!! we’ve officially made it. goodnite my bitches ♥”
Well on positive note for her, they made her taller than Cartman, Kyle and Stan and that wouldn’t happen in the real world!


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