Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hugh Laurie’s non-Emmy nom comforted by a raise
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[ # ] Hugh Laurie’s non-Emmy nom comforted by a raise
July 13th, 2006 under Fox

Laughter is the best medicine, sure, but it doesn’t pay the bills. (No, seriously — look at my savings account.) And while he may have been robbed of an Emmy nod last week, Hugh Laurie has a little somethin’-somethin’ to be smiling about: After a two-month negotiation, the House star has been prescribed a nice raise — "dramatic," by some accounts — to $300,000 per episode starting with the forthcoming third season. Damn, with that kind of cash flow the guy could be mistaken for a real doctor.

TV Guide

Again why wasn’t he nominated? Even though he makes an episode what a real doctor makes a year, I think he deserves more!  


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