Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How will New Yorkers respond to seeing Thing walking around?
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[ # ] How will New Yorkers respond to seeing Thing walking around?
December 1st, 2022 under Netflix

Wednesday is a huge hit, and one of the best parts of it is Thing. Wednesday’s helping hand, literally.

Thing has such a huge fan base that Netflix wanted to see if New Yorkers would recognize him if he was walking alongside them. How did they react? Just as you would expect. They screamed because they were so shocked to see such a huge celebrity perusing next to them.

New Yorkers have seen everything, so Thing wasn’t that shocking to all of them, which is why the Nun at the end had the best reaction.

And I hope we see more cities’ reactions to Thing! Because this is the best celebrity sighting video, I’ve ever seen!

It is just as good Wednesday itself.


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