Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How well did Lost recreate the plane scene from the pilot?
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[ # ] How well did Lost recreate the plane scene from the pilot?
February 4th, 2010 under Lost

via MovieLine
So one of the big scenes in the season premiere of the final season of Lost is when they recreated a scene from the pilot. So how well did the props team do recreating a scene 5 and a half years after it originally aired? Check out the side-by-side YouTube video to see what they got right and what they didn’t. I got that Jack’s hair was longer, but there were other things I missed. Some of the mistakes were intentional according to what Executive Producers Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof told Jimmy Kimmel on Tuesday. While others like Matthew Fox f*cking up the timing on his lines might have been accidental?
BTW I love when Lost fans create videos like this!


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