Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How to make Jersey Shore cute!
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[ # ] How to make Jersey Shore cute!
April 27th, 2010 under VH1/MTV

So there is a new video sharing site called Babelgum and they have recreated two of MTV’s biggest reality shows Jersey Shore and The Hills with little kids. The kids’ ages might only be single digits, but they are more mature than the people they are impersonating and better actors!
OMG! How freaking awwwdorable and right on is the Jersey Shore one? I love how the kid who played The Situation kept showing his “Situation.” And I think the little girl who played Snooki might actually be taller than the real one. Seriously I have seen the real one in person and believe me it is not that hard to do.
Now let’s move on to the The Hills. Make sure to watch it all the way through because what they did to Heidi Montag is f*cking brilliant. Plus the girl who plays Audrina got her infamous pose, you know which one I am talking about. BTW I have never seen the show (because I am sadist and not a masochist), do the people on The Hills really keep their mouths open like that?
Two fist pumps up to Babbelgum on these cute recreations!


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