Seriously? OMG! WTF? » How I Met Your Mother on Lifetime
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[ # ] How I Met Your Mother on Lifetime
September 24th, 2008 under How I Met Your Mother, Lifetime

There was a battle going on in the TV World for who would get the syndication rights to How I Met Your Mother and the winner is Lifetime according to The Hollywood Reporter. Out of all the networks that the show could repeat on, I never would have thought Lifetime.

JoAnn Alfano, Lifetime’s new executive vp entertainment, said “Mother” is a good fit for the network’s lineup. “It’s fresh and contemporary,” she said. “There are not a lot of shows out there that are right for us, so it was really important to go after this.”

Even though the announcement was made in 2008, the repeats will not start airing until 2010. I can’t wait to see the above episode again on the small screen!


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