Layla and Emelia Golfieri are just over 2 and a half years old and both of them are starring on Fox’s hit sitcom Grandfathered that airs on Tuesdays at 8:30p. Even though this is their first big role, they already have aspirations for bigger and greater things. For example, their TV Grandfather,
John Stamos, shared a photo of one of them sitting in the cinematographer’s chair and she already looks like a pro.
Hollywood better watch out because at this rate, you will be over the hill by the time you are 13. Anyone over that age will just be there to feed them, change their diapers, be their chauffeurs, teach them the 3 Rs and wake them up from their midday naps. You know how cranky they can get if they don’t get their naps, they will make Christian Bale look cooler, calmer and more collected than he did on the Terminator: Salvation set.