Seriously? OMG! WTF? » High School Possession is hauntingly good!
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[ # ] High School Possession is hauntingly good!
October 25th, 2014 under Lifetime

High School Possession possess Lifetime tonight at 8p and you want to let the spirit of this telemovie compel you.
Chloe (Jennifer Stone) was your average high school senior, but after her father walked out on her, she has been a completely different person. She is attacking people, drinking, sleeping around and missing school. No one knows what is wrong with her, but her mom (Ione Skye) and her best friend, Lauren (Janel Parrish), are not going to give up on her. Even though she seems like a lost cause.
Lauren is assigned to do a story on The Chosen for her school newspaper and this religious group might be the answer. Lauren walks in on Reverend Young (William McNamara) doing an exorcism and she is thinking that her friend, who is hearing voices, might be possessed.
When he is refuses to help her, Lauren and The Chosen decide to their own exorcism. Will it work?
You have to tune in this suspenseful well-executed movie with a surprise ending to find out.


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