Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hey Twihards, Robert Pattinson says you’re making him deaf
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[ # ] Hey Twihards, Robert Pattinson says you’re making him deaf
March 24th, 2010 under Robert Pattinson, Twilight

Robert Pattinson has always said that he hates his screaming fans, and now according to OK! he is saying that he fears their screams will make him deaf. He said, “I’m almost completely deaf anyway. So I’m worried. I’m very worried.” You would think his helmet head of hair would be protecting his ears, but even I got a headache from that clip above and that was just them screaming for less than minute. Imagine what it is like for hours, day after day? It is incredible he doesn’t have ringing in his ear when he is away from it all.
BTW I thought Vampires had super hearing, guess Edward Cullen doesn’t?


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