Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hey men, COVID-19 can cause erectile dysfunction!
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[ # ] Hey men, COVID-19 can cause erectile dysfunction!
December 7th, 2020 under Coronavirus

Hey you COVIDiots, who don’t like to wear masks? Guess what, a longtime side effect of the virus could be? It is not being able to get it up anymore.

Infectious disease expert Dr. Dena Grayson told LX News, “There is some real concern here that men could have long term issues of erectile dysfunction from this virus. because we know that it causes issues in the vasculature.”

That’s right Donald Trump, Don Jr., Rudy Guiliani, and Rand Paul, your ability to have an erection might be gone! What is that I hear? Women all over the world celebrating that fact.

Seriously, I bet you they are going to start ramping up production of the vaccine now. You know how men are when their penises can’t salute. They need to come up with a solution, and they need to come up with one now.

Even they could produce more shots as soon as tomorrow, it can still be a while until you can get it. Therefore, if you want to give your lover a shot with your needle, then you are going to need to wear a mask, social distance, and wash your hands. Otherwise, your little buddy won’t be coming out to play. Do it for him.


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