Henry Winkler’s son’s new movie
Ceremony had it’s Hollywood premiere yesterday and look how proud The Fonz is of Max! Not only was he gushing about him on the red carpet, he was also doing it on Twitter, “well max did it.. wow we as parents are so proud. whatever happens now is up to the universe but max made a smart compelling love story.” Max is so lucky to not only have a father who is so proud of him, but also to have the nicest guy in Hollywood as his dad! Well that and he looks just like his pop did when he was on Happy Days…ayyyyy! Just picture him jeans, a white T-shirt and a leather jacket and Max could step right into his father’s infamous role.
Seriously I just love Henry Winkler, so much so I am going to watch Ceremomy just to support him.
BTW if you are not following him on Twitter, you should because every one of
HWinkler4Real’s Tweets put a smile on my face whenever I read them because they are just so positive. I am being so sincere about how good they make me feel. We need more actors in this town like him. So make sure to support the next generation of him and watch Ceremony on NetFlix now!!!