Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Help Ashton Kutcher kick CNN a$$ on Twitter!
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[ # ] Help Ashton Kutcher kick CNN a$$ on Twitter!
April 13th, 2009 under Ashton Kutcher

Ashton Kutcher aka @aplusk is looking to have 1 million followers on Twitter before CNN! So I say let’s help him get to 1,000,000 followers before them because CNN sucks! Right now he is at just less than 850,000 followers and CNN is at 911,000. So we need to help him reach that goal before them. Unlike CNN’s Tweets his are upbeat, theirs are depressing about people that died or being held by pirates. So if you are on Twitter add @aplusk and if you are not on Twitter get with 2009!!! It seriously a fun addiction.

UPDATE: Larry King invited Ashton Kutcher to come on his show to talk to Ted Turner about Ashton trying to get to 1,000,000 followers before them on Twitter! Here is his response to their offer! Go Aplusk!!!

UPDATE 2: Rick Sanchez, the only anchor I like on CNN and a great Tweeter, has responded to Ashton Kutcher!


Seriously if you are going to Follow anyone at CNN follow @RickSanchezCNN, but follow @aplusk so he can kick CNN’s a$$.

UPDATE 3: Now Larry King has responded to Ashton Kutcher! This f*cking awesome, I love it!!!


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