Helen Mirren is starring in a new movie called Love Ranch about a couple who opened the first brothel in Nevada. In a way life was imitating art for her because her husband Taylor Hackford was directing it and he wanted her to research her role by spending a night at a real brothel. The Dame was not comfortable spending the night with the Madame and her girls, but when her husband dropped her off in front of one and left there she had no choice but to do so. She told David Letterman she enjoyed the night. Could you imagine the Oscar winner studying her role as a brother owner at a brothel? I am sure her husband enjoyed the experience more than her and she had a lot of fun there!
BTW my huge problem with Letterman is after she told him that she spent the night there, he should have asked if she learned any techniques to do with her husband when they were off camera as compared to asking if the girls were damaged? Afterall he is a late night talk show host and not a hard news reporter, but hey that is me.
Finally below is the trailer for Love Ranch that is out in limited release, see if you can tell if her research helped her!