Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Heidi Montag is the new face of not to get plastic surgery!
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[ # ] Heidi Montag is the new face of not to get plastic surgery!
December 21st, 2010 under VH1/MTV

A little over a year ago Heidi Montag underwent 10 plastic surgeries in one day and now she is regretting it. The Hills star opened up about her new Hills and the 9 other surgeries to Life and Style.

“Parts of my body definitely look worse than they did presurgery,” she told Life & Style exclusively at a photo shoot on Dec. 2. “This is not what I signed up for.”
The former Hills star reveals a series of unsightly scars, red inflammation and uneven body parts including: a 2-inch-long raised blemish under her chin from her chin reduction, two caterpillar-size bald spots along her hairline from a brow lift, a horrifying jagged line behind her ears from having her ears pinned back, lumpy legs and four spots left on her lower back and below the buttocks from botched liposuction, a bright-red mark inside her right nostril, uneven boobs, a stretched mark on her chest and deep scars around her nipples from a second boob job.
“The big dark mark from my chin reduction is probably the most noticeable. But the absolute worst is on my breasts, and the scariest is below my butt cheek,” Heidi tells Life & Style. “People have fewer scars from car accidents than I have on my body.”
Heidi says the scars are constant reminders that she made a big mistake. “I would love to not be ‘plastic girl’ or whatever they call me. Surgery ruined my career and my personal life and just brought a lot of negativity into my world. I wish I could jump into a time machine and take it all back. Instead, I’m always going to feel like Edward Scissorhands.”

Normally I try my hardest not to post everything from another site’s post, but I thought what she said and what happened to her was too important not to share. The next time that someone under 25 or heck anyone of any age considers doing what she did, maybe they will reconsider seeing how it has changed her and not for the better she had hoped.
For more about how she f*cked up, you can pick up Life and Style that is on stands now.

: Heidi Montag just Tweeted this, “Just saw the new Life&Style cover… I am shocked and horrified.” I don’t know why she feels that way because I thought it was really powerful.


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