Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Heather Mills to divorce in the US?
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[ # ] Heather Mills to divorce in the US?
August 17th, 2006 under Paul McCartney/Heather Mills

Heather Mills has increased pressure on Sir Paul McCartney by meeting with top US lawyers.She is thought to be planning to pursue her divorce through the American courts, which offer much higher payouts. Wives there routinely receive half the communal property.The former model was photographed meeting an American lawyer in London last week after having already hired Princess Diana’s £1,000-an-hour lawyer, Anthony Julius.She then flew to Los Angeles and speculation is rife she is locked in meetings to find out if it is worth divorcing through the American system.Miss Mills has claimed in the past that she is not interested in the Beatle’s £825million fortune but is believed to have already rejected a £30million settlement.It was clear, however, that she has been thoroughly enjoying her VIP treatment and lavish lifestyle.Flanked by two minders, the 38-year-old was spotted enjoying a spot of retail therapy in Beverly Hills yesterday. Her spending spree is bound to enrage Sir Paul as they enter a battle over what slice of his fortune his estranged wife is entitled to.

Daily Mail 

Can she still say she is not a golddigger?


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