Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Heather Mills says Paul was a controlling husband.
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[ # ] Heather Mills says Paul was a controlling husband.
August 14th, 2006 under Paul McCartney/Heather Mills

The increasingly bitter battle between Heather Mills and Sir Paul McCartney has hit the courts after she launched an angry counter-claim to his divorce petition.Miss Mills, 38, submitted her petition at the High Court on Monday and friends said it was likely to focus on how the former Beatle was a ‘controlling husband’ who ‘always put his own interests above hers’.She was responding to his divorce petition which said she was ‘argumentative’ and ‘rude to staff’.Her vigorous response to his criticisms, which were submitted by her new lawyer Anthony Julius, who represented Princess Diana in her divorce from Prince Charles, will take the animosity between the couple to new depths.As well as lining up friends to show how she was forced to submit to all her husband’s demands, Miss Mills has also hired lawyers in America to refute his claims about her behaviour there.’In recent weeks everyone has been able to see how controlling he is by the way he has locked her out of the marital home and written legal letters about her borrowing cleaning fluids,’ said a source close to the former model.’Heather had to put up with that sort of control freak behaviour throughout the marriage.’She also had to put up with the fact that he would change his plans at a whim and expect her to drop everything to be with him. He did not care that she also had work to do.’As far as Heather is concerned, she did not start this. Paul put in a divorce petition which shocked her and now she feels wound up and angry.’

Daily Mail 

I love how she says we can see that he is controllong because of his recent actions, but it shows what a bitch she is by taking a million from their bank account, using his helicopter and who knows what else. She just can’t up a winner.


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