Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hawaii Five-0 remembers the internment camps on Oahu
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[ # ] Hawaii Five-0 remembers the internment camps on Oahu
December 13th, 2013 under CBS

December 7th was the 72nd anniversary of Pearl Harbor and tonight at 9p on CBS Hawaii Five-0 takes a look back at what happened after the attack.
While attending a Pearl Harbor memorial event, McGarrett (Alex O’Loughlin) notices an elderly Japanese man take a gun out of his jacket and aim at one of the surviving soldiers from that day. McGarrett stops the man before he can fire a shot and arrests him. When they get back to station, McGarrett asks why he was going to shoot that man and the elderly man explains that he murdered his father at one of the internment camps on Oahu.
At that moment, the man tells his story and we get flashbacks to the days when the Japanese people were being held prisoners because of where they came from. You will see them being dragged from the normal lives and being treated like cattle as they enter the camps. You will hear what people did to get out of there and what it was like to live there.
After McGarrett hears his story, he decides to look into this case that is over 70 years old. He is determined to find the man who murdered that man’s father. Little by little he gets more information about what happened on that day and what we get is information about an atrocity we forget about.
Hawaii Five-0 does an excellent job reminding us what happened in Hawaii 7 decades ago in this very powerful episode that everyone should watch. They say history repeats itself and let’s hope it never repeats the internment camps.
This episode is so special to Daniel Dae Kim, that he wrote this message about it.

Networks often talk about “very special episodes,” but episode 410 of HAWAII FIVE-0 is deserving of that description. Rarely do police dramas delve into subjects like the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, but this small and shameful chapter in our history is one that reminds us all of a valuable lesson: that we can never measure an American’s patriotism solely by their appearance or ancestry. I’ve never been prouder of HAWAII FIVE-0, and I applaud our producers for tackling a topic that goes beyond a crime of the week. It is my sincere hope that you find this episode, highlighted by some remarkable performances, as special as we do.

I have to say it is one of the most special episodes that I have seen in a long time, and I, like him, hope you watch it tonight at 9p on CBS.


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