Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Has Big Foot finally been spotted?
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[ # ] Has Big Foot finally been spotted?
October 11th, 2023 under Odd

For decades, people have been trying to find the elusive Big Foot, and it looks like he might have been hiding out in Colorado.

Brandon, aka bt92.travels, was on the Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad when he noticed something moving in the remote mountainside of Colorado.

It was a large tan animal walking on two feet like a human alongside the rocks in the area. And then it squatted down as to disguise himself with nature.

Is it the Big Foot that we have been hearing about? Is it someone in a Halloween costume to fake us all out? We don’t know. But I expect to see several investigative shows zooming over to the location to find out.

So if that really is a Sasquatch, he better run because that area is going to be flooded with camera crews and hunters faster than you can say Big Foot.

And I will be patiently waiting to see what they come up with because I watch all of those shows.


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